Friday, September 18, 2009

right or wrong?

am i doin the right thing or the wrong thing?
hmm...i choose to leave at last~=)
hopefully tis is a best way to let him happy always...
hope tat i wont regret wad i do when i looks at his smile~=)
take care=)


Saturday, September 5, 2009


i'm so lazy 2 upload my blog la~~~

bla bla bla...

haha~anyways,i just came back frm cameron highland trip with my f6 classmate n my dearest mr. lum~~lum lum=P!

wow,its amazing!hahaXD

u know why?cuz i catch d insect like a sopo u know~~hahaXD

other than tat,tat is d 1st time i holding a poison scorpion~my hand was shaking,i can't control my heartbeat at all~crazy me!if i get stung by d scorpion,u all wont see me in tis world ardy~~haha=P

there's some photo 2 share with u all oh~
